Thursday, June 22, 2017


I don't typically do these but I was looking for a specific picture (which I haven't found yet) and stumbled over these.

I started with a different blog about my Arab who was named Sora. I don't know that I've ever shared pictures of her on this blog although I know I've mentioned her a few times. She really was a once in a lifetime horse who, despite some pretty serious issues with spooking that made her a poor fit for me, I really loved. She unfortunately fell and broke her hip which was tragic. It was after that happened that I got Katai and switched over to this blog. As you can see, I've also changed a bit since these pictures were taken :)

That's my sister and her horse, Jackson, in the background
Also weird to see the barn still standing in the background of this one
She was an amazing horse and I miss her but Katai and I are much better together. Looking at these photos though it's tough not to wonder what we could have accomplished if not for her accident.


  1. It's hard to not imagine the what ifs. Especially when it happens outside of your control. You and Katai make a great team.. I don't doubt that you could have made it work with Sora too but perhaps not have kept her. She was a beautiful horse.

    1. Thank you :) Yeah, I can't imagine not having Katai and I certainly enjoy her personality more.

  2. Going down the "what if" road can be hard. She was lovely <3

  3. Glad you have such cool pictures of her. :-)

    1. Me too! My sister took these and maybe I'll need to have her come get some pictures of me and Katai at some point :)


Hopefully Back On Track

 It has been such a long time since I posted anything here! There has been a lot going on with Killian over the past several months and I...