Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blog Hop: Show Gear Goals

I've enjoyed reading the show gear blog posts that have been shared so far and since this is the first year that I really showed (if you can count one schooling show and two shows doing opportunity classes as "really" showing haha) so I thought it might be fun to post on what I have that's working or not working.

What I Have That I LOVE:

  • Most of Katai's tack including;
    • Saddle - Prestige Lucky
    • Bridle - PS of Sweden Flying Change
    • Girth - TSF StretchTec in black 22"
    • Reins - Cheap flat Horze black leather reins
    • Browband - for shows I use the plain black broadband that came with the bridle
    • Stirrup Irons - plain medal irons that I bought cheap ($5!!) second hand
  • Most of my outfit including;
    • Breeches - Full seat white B Vertigo from Horze
    • Show shirt - from EGO7 in grey
    • Jacket - Equiline navy blue  bought second hand from Amanda at $900Facebook Pony)
    • Stock Pin - gifted from a friend
    • Stock Tie - from Etsy with little polka dots :)
    • Helmet - OneK in black matte
    • Gloves - Roeckl gloves in black with white binding

What I Have That Should Be Replaced:

  • Brown stirrup leathers - not a big deal since they're really dark leather but I'd really like to get a black pair to match my saddle
  • Neue Schule bit - I want the same exact one (4.5" Eggbutt pony performance bit), it just needs to be replaced since it's getting chewed up

Things I Plan to Upgrade or Upgraded Since The Last Show:

  • Saddle Pad - I don't love the black saddle pad I have (especially with the little crown logo on it) and really didn't like the white one so I've got a grey Mattes pad on the way :)
  • Hairnet/bun holder thing - I have a ton of hair and it went all over the place at my last show. I already ordered a net so that I can put it in a bun and keep it all in place.
  • Boots - Big expensive item so I'm not sure when this will happen but I would like to get dress boots here at some point
  • Gloves - At some point I'll upgrade to white gloves, still Roeckl since they're all I can stand to ride in
That's it for now! At some point I'll likely get another jacket since it's getting slightly loose on me and of course I'd like to pick up another show shirt and another pair of white breeches but with how seldom I showed this year it just seems unnecessary at this point. I'm going to guess that I'll also need spurs at some point but they certainly wouldn't be helpful right now.
Or I could get boring cheaper boots for
showing and fun boots for schooling!!!


  1. Those boots are cool looking, but all I see is a lot of annoying nooks to try to clean around since I hate cleaning my boots.

    1. Such a great point! That's my least favorite part of cleaning my field boots

  2. LOL - great minds think alike, I just bought a grey La Mieux pad :)

  3. You can show in the lace up boots you know. ;-)


Hopefully Back On Track

 It has been such a long time since I posted anything here! There has been a lot going on with Killian over the past several months and I...