Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Balance Challenge: Lesson Recap 4/4

I'm running out of media again so here's some shiny butt for your viewing pleasure ;)
I had another great lesson this Tuesday! We started with lots of bending at the walk and then before too long went to the trot. Katai was tight and sucked back to start but with lots of bending and some focus on serpentines she loosened right up and started to be more forward.

We did some leg yield and lengthenings and then did some should in midway down the long side, across the short diagonal, and then into canter. Katai did really well, I did less well but after a few times started to get the timing better. To make it even more difficult We added a spiral in at the canter after we picked it up and Jane really had me focus on the bend and inside leg.

I quickly realized that I've NEVER actually used my inside leg at the canter. Let's just say that there's some room for improvement ;) At any rate we got some extremely nice canter and I've got new homework which is always fun.

That already felt like a big deal and like we'd had a successful lesson but then we did some work on transitions. We've only really worked on these once or twice and the goal this time was to do walk to sitting trot to rising trot and then back to sitting trot to walk. With lots of coaching from Jane we got some really nice work. We found that I'm still using my reins too much in the downward transitions, not pulling back but holding to the point of thinking backwards rather than forwards.

Pony is humble about her shininess though
After that we talked a lot about me not being such a perfectionist. Jane told me, and I feel this is a huge compliment, that she's not worried that I'll mess Katai up at this point. She said there's always the chance that during a ride we'll go backwards a bit but that overall she's seen us improve enough and feels that I have enough feel that I'm not going to just keep doing something that is making things worse. Plus, with regular lessons how far wrong can I go.

She wants me to play around with things and try stuff out. She said to keep challenging Katai's balance and playing with things to see what works best for both of us. As a perfectionist that's really tough for me but Jane knows that. Have I mentioned how much I love working with Jane as my instructor?

I've also been feeling better and way more motivated as the spring weather change is starting to smooth out a little which is awesome! I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend at the barn.


  1. That sounds very similar to what we're working on too. Wait, didn't you say that to me already? :)
    That is one shiny patootie. I would be ashamed to show you Carmen's- it's a bit muddy. I can't wait for it to be warm enough for the first bath.

    1. :) I honestly can't remember but it's always fun reading your blogs because there are so many similarities! Yeah, I'll have to take a picture of her neck where her blanket sits because she's very clearly two different colors right there haha.

  2. Ooh, yes, BM yelled at me in my lesson yesterday about letting Bobby screw something up for a hot minute so I could focus on something else. I was like, b-but MUST ALWAYS BE PERFECT!! That's why trainers get paid, right? :P

    1. Lol, it's so hard to not be able to obsess about perfection! So true haha. At least it's cheaper than therapy ;)

  3. What a nice compliment from your trainer! :) I think everyone is starting to get ramped up on motivation now that weather is getting nicer, hooray!

    1. It made me happy :) hooray is right!! I feel like it's been such a long winter even though it was actually shorter than normal


Hopefully Back On Track

 It has been such a long time since I posted anything here! There has been a lot going on with Killian over the past several months and I...