Saturday, February 18, 2017


My poor little Cube video recorder!! It lived a good life which was cut way too short tonight.

I pulled it out of my pocket as I was walking, Katai thought it was a treat and reached for it. I fumbled and dropped it and because we were still walking it fell on the concrete and she stepped on it...

In blue cubie's memory :(
I'm actually a little sad about it. It's been such an amazing tool and even though I now I have very blurry pictures and sketchy video from the lighting in my arena at least I have media. I'll be buying another one but will be sad to not use it until it gets here. I also had taken video tonight and had a couple of videos on the Cube that are now lost. Please forgive the temporary lack of media and we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programing soon!!


  1. Oh noes!! Tesla has totally thought it was a treat too!

    1. Haha, it is sort of the right size! I'm going to have to be more careful next time :)

  2. Awe, poor little cube! On the plus side, Bridget would have likely eaten the thing whole, so at least a new cube is cheaper than a vet bill? :)

    1. Yeah :( It's sort of like losing a square blue little friend haha. LOL! Yes, good point definitely cheaper than a vet bill and not as embarrassing as trying to explain to my vet how Katai ended up with a video camera in her stomach.

  3. OH no! Carmen would have decided it was a landmine and freaked out. or tried to eat it- these days she can go either way. :)
    It's too bad that you can't save the video on it. :(

    1. Yeah!!
      You actually reminded me that there is a micro SD card inside. I'm going to see if I can dig it out! I tried plugging it in and nothing happened but I didn't even think of trying to save the sd card since I hadn't taken it out since I got it.


Hopefully Back On Track

 It has been such a long time since I posted anything here! There has been a lot going on with Killian over the past several months and I...