Saturday, August 22, 2015

Progress To Be Made

So, Now that I’ve taken the time to pat myself on the back it’s time for me to update my goals and make some plans for the rest of the year.

I have to first say I’m so excited to be able to do this! Now that work and applying for jobs isn’t taking all of my energies away I can actually concentrate on pony things!

                                      Great example of progress to be made

Old Goal List:

I’ve crossed off things that no longer make sense and anything in italics is new or updated information. I’ve also moved my completed/removed goals to a page so that it doesn’t clutter up this post so you can find those above. The items in bold are focus items for me.

In Process Goals for Katai:

1. Increase fitness/strength/flexibility
- get chiropractic done at least three two times in 2015 – Completed one and owed one by chiropractor
start continue serious fitness training as soon as it's not slippery out to include canter sets – Did start canter sets and added some trail rides
continue to work with cavaletti, try to work over them at least 2-3 times per month
- ride more consistently, ie. 4-5 times per month
- slow Katai’s trot and maintain a more consistent rhythm

2. Show Pony
- ride in one or two clinic - can be any discipline

3. Dressage Skills
- better bend at all gaits to the left
- be able to ride all three intro tests by the end of April December

4. Miscellaneous  
- gain trail riding experience both by ourselves and with others - get outside and ride trails at least 3-4 1-2 times per month

In Process Goals for Me:

1. Increase fitness/strength/flexibility
- find a good yoga class and go at least twice per month
- get regular a massage
- run in at least one 5K by the end of April October (providing I can find one and the weather isn't too horrible)
- lose 10 - 15 - 20 more pounds

2. Riding Goals
- learn to weight each seat bone as needed - default to even (I sit much more on the right)

3. Show Human
- put together at least one set of show clothes (schooling show appropriate)
- determine which schooling shows to attend for next year and get signed up
- memorize intro tests by the end of May October
- find transportation to shows 

4. Miscellaneous 
- take more and better pictures and videos
- read and review a horse book every month – February Success!
- do a better job of journaling my riding in my blog
update my blog pages with changes to my wish list and current gear

I’m actually pretty pleased with this list and how many of my goals I’ve completed at this point in the year. Honestly this became the year of “getting a new job and relocating” and now that that is done I feel like I can finally move on with my life and really start knocking these out. The goals in bold are the ones that I’m mainly focused on for the rest of the year but of course I’m going to work really hard to complete all of them. I’ve been trying to come up with more riding goals for Katai but at this point I feel like other than riding consistently and continuing to make some forward progress I have only two real additional riding goals. Those are to get Katai’s trot more consistent in rhythm and speed and to ride more consistently. I think if I can get those two things a whole bunch of stuff will fall into place.

The other exciting item on this list is about the clinic and an opportunity that came up at the beginning of November. I’ll write more about this in a future post but let’s just say I’ve got a great goal to shoot for and need to work my butt off for the next couple months.

Finally please ignore the second two pages on my blog for now. I had forgotten that they existed and I’m excited to bring them back but they need some serious updating.

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